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Delegations of Authority Policy is the key document for who is responsible to exercise a delegation – Note: Policies and procedure documents may not reflect the current delegations. Please refer to the Delegations of Authority Policy to identify who the delegate is.
Course Advisory Groups Procedure
- This Procedure sets out the requirements and processes for a Course Advisory Group of the University of Canberra (University).
- This Procedure has the same scope as the Course Advisory Group Policy.
Establishment and meetings
- A Course Advisory Group will be established at the academic program, discipline or course level.
- The Course Advisory Group requirements must be determined before the development of a new course.
- Responsibility for a new course will be assigned to:
- an existing Course Advisory Group (new members may be appointed)
- a new Course Advisory Group, where necessary, or
- in the case of a non-award course, one or more members from an existing Course Advisory Group.
- The majority of the Course Advisory Group membership should be external members, that is representatives who are external to the University.
- A Course Advisory Group of an award course or specified members assigned to a non-award course must meet one or more times:
- during the development of a new course, and
- a minimum of once every twelve months commencing from the accreditation or re-accreditation date of an award course, or the approval date of a non-award course.
- Additional meetings may be scheduled where a course is undergoing
- comprehensive review
- a review by an external accrediting body (or when it is specified as a requirement by an external accrediting body), or
- monitoring, review and improvement.
- Internal course stakeholders and performance indicators will be used to inform additional meeting requirements.
- Course Advisory Group members may meet in person and/or online, and for non-award courses may communicate by correspondence.
Course Advisory Group Resource Pack - The Director, Learning and Teaching will maintain a Course Advisory Group Resource Pack, which includes relevant information and templates to support Course Advisory Group processes.
Charter - A Course Advisory Group must have a charter.
- The charter will include:
- establishment details
- the title of the course or courses
- member requirements
- terms of reference
- charter review requirements
- a list of appointed members (specified within a Schedule attached to the charter).
- A Course Advisory Group charter must be:
- approved on establishment of a Course Advisory Group
- reviewed and approved every two years, and
- approved when changes are made to the charter if changes are made earlier than the two year review.
- The Dean of faculty or the Dean, Graduate Research may exercise delegated authority to approve the charter of a Course Advisory Group
- The Schedule for the Course Advisory Group charter containing the list of appointed members will be confirmed by the corresponding Dean ahead of each meeting.
Membership - The Chair of a Course Advisory Group will be an external member appointed to the Course Advisory Group, where possible.
- The Chair of a Course Advisory Group may be appointed on a rotational basis.
- A Deputy Chair will be appointed from the internal faculty members appointed to the Course Advisory Group.
- The Dean of faculty or the Dean, Graduate Research may specify the duration of appointment for external and student members, as required.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will advise the Student Representative Council when a student is appointed to a Course Advisory Group.
- Where the number of Course Advisory Group members appointed to a Course Advisory Group exceeds the minimum membership requirements the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent may invite members on a rotational basis; attendance at each meeting must align with the minimum membership requirements and the Course Advisory Group Policy principle of balanced representation.
- Where a Course Advisory Group member’s attendance is inconsistent, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course proponent or nominee will discuss attendance with the member and, if deemed necessary, a new member may be appointed.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee may invite guests from within the University to attend one or more meetings where the invited guest has an interest in the course.
- When a guest is invited to attend a Course Advisory Group meeting, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will provide the guest with the relevant charter.
- By attending a Course Advisory Group meeting, a guest is subject to the requirements provided in the relevant charter.
Coursework Courses
Course Advisory Group Membership - At a minimum, a Course Advisory Group of a coursework course will include the following internal stakeholders:
- relevant Program Director/Course Convener or equivalent, or Course Proponent
- Head of School/Head of Discipline or equivalent
- a current student in the relevant coursework course with good academic standing, who has completed at least twenty-four credit points of study, where appropriate.
- Dependent upon the timing of a Course Advisory Group meeting for a one-year bachelor honours degree, a student who graduated in the preceding year and is a University alumnus may be appointed as a member to a Course Advisory Group to provide advice and recommendations from the perspective of a current student.
- At a minimum, a Course Advisory Group of a coursework course will include the following external stakeholders:
- one or more employers, who may be either potential employers or current employers
- professional practitioners or representatives from a relevant professional accrediting body where the award course is externally accredited
- professionals, professional practitioners, or discipline specific representatives, for example from a government department, for profit organisation and/or a not-for-profit organisation
- an academic staff member of the teaching team for a similar course from another higher education institution e.g., Course Convener, and
- a recent graduate of the same or similar course who is a University alumnus.
- Where a coursework course includes a major research component, the Course Advisory Group must include a person who is currently employed by an organisation as a researcher in the relevant discipline who has a qualification at or above the level of the relevant coursework course.
- Where a coursework course involves a third party provider, one or more representatives from the third party provider must be appointed as a member of the relevant Course Advisory Group.
Course Advisory Group responsibilities - The minimum responsibilities of a Course Advisory Group of a coursework course are to provide advice and make recommendations relevant to the:
- course objectives and learning outcomes, including generic skills
- course structure and delivery
- course curriculum, including the content, assessment and work integrated learning
- inherent requirements
- employer and/or business requirements i.e., employability
- ways of improving the overall course based on the performance indicators, student feedback, external referencing or benchmarking activities
- ways of improving the student experience
- industry engagement.
- A Course Advisory Group of a coursework course may make recommendations with regard to staffing and student support requirements.
Non-award Courses
Course Advisory Group Membership - At a minimum, a Course Advisory Group of a non-award course will include the following internal stakeholders:
- relevant Program Director/Course Convener or equivalent, or a Course Proponent
- Head of Discipline or equivalent, and
- a student enrolled in the non-award course who has passed all summative assessment to date or a student of the University who has recently completed and passed the non-award course.
- A Course Advisory Group for a non-award course, which may be used for-credit in an award course, must include an academic staff member who has an interest in the corresponding award course.
- A Course Advisory Group of a non-award course may include any of the following external stakeholders relevant to the purpose of the non-award course e.g., for-credit, for professional development, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS):
- one or more employers, who may be either potential employers or current employers
- professionals, professional practitioners, or discipline specific representatives, for example from a government department, for profit organisation and/or a not-for-profit organisation
- an academic staff member of the teaching team for a similar course from another higher education institution e.g., Head of Discipline, and
- a person who has recently completed and passed the non-award course.
- Where a non-award course involves a third party provider, one or more representatives from the third party provider must be appointed as a member to the relevant Course Advisory Group.
Course Advisory Group responsibilities - Responsibilities of a Course Advisory Group of a non-award course are to provide advice and recommendations related to one or more of the following, dependent upon the purpose of the non-award course:
- course objectives and learning outcomes, including generic skills
- course structure and delivery
- course curriculum, including the content, assessment and work integrated learning
- inherent requirements of the associated award course where the non-award course is for-credit
- employer and/or business requirements i.e., employability
- ways of improving the overall course based on the performance indicators, student feedback, external referencing or benchmarking activities
- ways of improving the student experience
- industry engagement.
- A Course Advisory Group of a non-award course may make recommendations with regard to staffing and student support requirements.
Higher degree by research courses
Course Advisory Group membership - At a minimum, a Course Advisory Group of a higher degree by research (HDR) course will include the following internal stakeholders:
- the Dean, Graduate Research
- the Deputy Chair of the Graduate Research Committee
- a member of staff that has an interest in the research course, e.g. Associate Dean Research (for faculty based HDR courses the member of staff should be from another faculty or a business unit), and
- a current HDR student who has successfully completed their confirmation of candidature and has timely completion of the appropriate milestones in accordance with the Higher Degree by Research Progress and Milestones Procedure.
- At a minimum, a Course Advisory Group of a HDR course will include the following external stakeholders, as appropriate to the field/discipline:
- one or more potential or current employers the representative of which is employed as a researcher with a qualification at or above the level of the relevant award course
- professional practitioners or representatives from a relevant professional accrediting body if the award course is externally accredited
- professionals, professional practitioners, or discipline specific representatives, for example from a government department, for profit organisation and/or a not-for-profit organisation
- an academic staff member responsible for a similar course from another higher education institution e.g., a Dean of Graduate Research, and
- a recent graduate of the same or similar award course who is a University alumnus.
- Where a HDR course involves a third party provider, one or more representatives from the third party provider may be appointed as a member to the relevant Course Advisory Group.
Course Advisory Group responsibilities - The minimum responsibilities of a Course Advisory Group of a HDR course are to provide advice and make recommendations on the:
- course objectives and learning outcomes, including generic skills
- course structure and delivery
- course curriculum, including the content, assessment and work integrated learning
- inherent requirements e. employer and/or business requirements i.e., employability
- ways of improving the overall course based on the performance indicators, student feedback, external referencing or benchmarking activities
- ways of improving the student experience, and
- industry engagement.
- A Course Advisory Group of a HDR course may make recommendations with regard to staffing and student supports.
Appointment of members - The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will provide a potential internal Course Advisory Group member a written offer of appointment that will include relevant responsibilities, and information related to conflict of interest processes.
- Where the potential Course Advisory Group member is an external member the written offer of appointment will include relevant responsibilities, information related to due diligence and conflict of interest processes, insurance and required qualification documentation.
- The Executive Dean of faculty or the Dean, Graduate Research may exercise delegated authority to approve an appointment of a member to a Course Advisory Group.
Due diligence - The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will undertake due diligence of a potential external Course Advisory Group member.
- A potential external Course Advisory Group member must be requested to provide a copy of one or more of the following:
- relevant qualifications
- current curriculum vitae
- any other documents e.g., statement of capability or letter from employer.
- Due diligence will include at a minimum an assessment of:
- qualification(s)
- work history, and
- reputational standing.
- A record of the external members’ documents and the due diligence assessment must be stored with the Course Advisory Group documentation.
Conflict of interest - When a person is invited to be a member of a Course Advisory Group, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will ensure any declarations of a conflict of interest, either real or perceived, are addressed prior to approval of the appointment.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee in consultation with the Associate Dean Education or equivalent, or Associate Dean Research or equivalent, will determine the most appropriate way to manage a conflict of interest considering any relevant risks, implications and University policy.
- Protection of student privacy will be managed in accordance with the University Privacy Policy.
- Any declared conflict of interest, steps taken to address the conflict and outcome must be recorded and form part of the Course Advisory Group documentation.
Confidentiality Deed - A template for the Confidentiality Deed form will be provided in the Course Advisory Group Resource Pack.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will complete the Schedule in the Confidentiality Deed form, and then provide the form to Legal for review.
- Legal will review the Confidentiality Deed form (including Schedule) and provide advice to the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee as required.
- On receipt of the Confidentiality Deed form from Legal, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will provide the form to the external member for signature.
- When an external member is appointed to a Course Advisory Group, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee must ensure that each external member signs a Confidentiality Deed form, and provide the signed form to Legal for storage and retention.
Insurance - The University will maintain insurance, including workers compensation, for external members of a Course Advisory Group where their role within the Course Advisory Group is not part of their usual employment.
- The University will maintain appropriate insurance for internal members appointed to a Course Advisory Group.
- Where an external member of a Course Advisory Group is undertaking Course Advisory Group activities as part of a position within the organisation they are employed, the insurance cover, including workers compensation, must be provided by their employer.
- Where an external member of a Course Advisory Group owns their own business, and they are undertaking Course Advisory Group activities as part of their business, they must have their own insurance, including workers compensation.
Coordination of a Course Advisory Group - The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee is responsible for coordinating Course Advisory Group members attendance and other relevant administrative requirements such as room booking and complimentary parking for external members where appropriate.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will provide Course Advisory Group members with the following information:
- a summary report of the most recent external accrediting body review report where the award course is externally accredited
- performance indicators such as admission data, enrolment data, cohort analysis e.g, grade distribution data at the unit level, and student completions,
- student feedback and/or
- other external referencing or benchmarking activities e.g., peer review of assessment, comparative course information from other higher education institutions.
- Where the course is a non-award course, and the non-award course will be informed by specified Course Advisory Group members, the specified Course Advisory Group members will be given access to performance indicators, student feedback and other relevant external referencing or benchmarking activities.
- Where the non-award course is for-credit and the advice and recommendations from the Course Advisory Group are to make changes to the non-award course, the Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee must ensure the credit arrangements are still current.
- When a non-award course is developed with a Third Party Provider and approved by the University, the Business Manager or equivalent will coordinate the approval or otherwise of any direct costs associated with the coordination and delivery of a Course Advisory Group.
- The Faculty Manager or equivalent may exercise delegated authority to approve all direct costs associated with the coordination and delivery of a Course Advisory Group.
Course Advisory Group documentation - Documentation for a Course Advisory Group meeting must include, at a minimum, meeting agendas, minutes, and relevant data and course information aligning with the agenda.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee in consultation with the relevant course team and the Associate Dean Education or equivalent, or Associate Dean Research or equivalent, may exercise delegated authority to approve recommendations made by a Course Advisory Group or recommendations made by specified members appointed to a non-award course.
- Following approval, recommendations will be implemented as soon as practicable to align with a continuous improvement approach.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will ensure the minutes of a Course Advisory Group meeting are written and approved by the Chair of the Course Advisory Group as soon as practicable after the meeting and provided to the members of the Course Advisory Group.
- The Course Convener/Program Director/Course Proponent or nominee will include a record of the approved minutes of a Course Advisory Group meeting for:
- a new course with the new course documentation,
- an award course in accordance with the Course Procedure: Monitoring, Review and Improvement, and
- a non-award course with the non-award course documentation.
- When specified members of an existing Course Advisory Group are assigned to a non-award course, a summary of the advice and recommendations will be included in the non-award course documentation.
Course Advisory Group reporting and effectiveness - Faculty Board will provide an annual report to Academic Board on Course Advisory Group including the minutes of meetings, recommendations arising, response to recommendations made and resulting impact (effectiveness) on the course.
- Effectiveness will be demonstrated through performance indicators and student feedback mechanisms, and in accordance with the Course Procedure: Monitoring, Review and Improvement.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Who | Responsibilities |
Associate Dean Education or equivalent Associate Dean Research or equivalent |
Business Manager or equivalent | Approve direct costs associated with a Course Advisory Group for a non-award course developed by a Third Party Provider and approved by the University. |
Chair of Course Advisory Group |
Course Convener |
Course Proponent or nominee |
Dean of faculty |
Dean, Graduate Research | Exercise delegated authority to appoint members to a Course Advisory Group and approve a Course Advisory Group charter. |
Director, Learning and Teaching | Maintain the Course Advisory Group Resource Pack. |
Course Advisory Group members |
Faculty Board |
Faculty Manager or equivalent | Exercise delegated authority for direct costs associated with a Course Advisory Group. |
Head of School or equivalent | May be an internal member of a Course Advisory Group, and subject to the requirements of the relevant charter. |
Legal |
Program Director |
Governing Policy and Legislation:
- This Procedure is governed by the following:
- In developing this Procedure, the University had regard to the following University legislation:
Supporting Information:
- In developing this Procedure, the University had regard to the following University documents:
Terms | Definitions |
Affiliate | Includes Educational Partner teaching staff, clinical title holders, adjunct, and honorary appointees, consultants and contractors to the University, holders of offices in University entities, members of boards of University foundations, members of University committees, and any other persons appointed or engaged by the University to perform duties or functions on its behalf. |
Award course | Is a coursework course or a higher degree by research course equivalent to Australian Qualification Framework 2013 level 5 to 10 as specified in the Register of Courses kept under the . |
Charter | A written instrument that sets out the authority, purpose, terms of reference, membership and reporting requirements of a group of a committee or group of people. |
Course | Is an award course and non-award course. |
Course Advisory Group Resource Pack | A set of information and templates to support the establishment and implementation of a Course Advisory Group. |
Coursework course | Has the same meaning given by the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022. |
Course Proponent or nominee | An academic staff member of a faculty who has oversight of a course, and manages the administrative requirements for a new course, and an existing course as specified in the Register of Courses kept under the . |
Discipline | A branch of academic knowledge relevant to a course. |
Higher degree by research | Has the same meaning as graduate course in the University of Canberra (Admission) Rules 2022. |
Inherent requirements | The essential cognitive, behavioural, physical, and sensory requirements a student will need to have in order to achieve the learning outcomes and graduate attributes of a course. |
Major research component | The research component in a bachelor honours degree and a masters degree (coursework). |
New course | Means a course that is:
Non-award course | A course that does not lead to an Australian Qualification Framework 2013 qualification e.g., micro-unit, English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS), short course. |
Program | A program consists of one or more courses that share the same core major, designed as a coherent student learning journey e.g., the Program for the Bachelor of Arts. |
Register of Courses | Means the database containing the courses of study of the University of Canberra, kept under the . |
Student | Has the same meaning given by the . |
University | University of Canberra ABN 81633873422. |
Work integrated learning | A form of experiential learning where theoretical knowledge and disciplinary skills are demonstrated through authentic work experiences and practices within relevant professional contexts. |